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Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing... you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn't affect two-thirds of the people of the world. -- Jimmy Carter ...
Queer Thing
Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. -- Carrie Snow
Gift from God
Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. -- Freeman Dyson
Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation. -- Jean Arp
Not Communicating
Technology gives us power, but it does not and cannot tell us how to use that power. Thanks to technology, we can instantly communicate across the world, but it still doesn't help us know what to say. -- Jonathan Sacks
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. -- Bill Gates
Developing Technology
If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner. -- Omar Bradley (General, US Army)
Technology is a word that describes something that doesn’t work yet. We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. -- Douglas Adams (Author)
No Equivalency
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. -- Elbert Hubbard
Human Limits
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. -- Albert Einstein
More Inventions
Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless. -- Thomas Edison
Controlled Life
Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force. -- Irving Berlin
Conflicting Attitudes
Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude. -- William James
Achieving Excellence
If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. -- Colin Powell
Law's Aim
The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom. -- John Locke
Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him. -- John Locke
Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be. --Miguel de Cervantes
The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude. -- Aldous Huxley
Proclaiming Peace
While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart. -- Francis of Assisi
A heart well prepared for adversity in bad times hopes, and in good times fears for a change in fortune. -- Horace
Honest Dissent
Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Real Man
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection. -- Thomas Paine
Fools Rush In
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. -- Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism
SIlence is Better
Why must you speak your thoughts? Silence, if fair words stick in your throat, would serve all our ends better. -- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin